Flowers for Friends

Members of Holy Family’s Youth Group recently visited the Hamilton Trace Assisted Living facility in Fishers. Students met with residents and delivered flowers to those who wanted them. (To maintain the privacy of residents, we only post photos of our youth.)
This trip was inspired by an impromptu visit to an assisted living facility while on their 2017 summer mission trip in TN. For more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group or outreach programs, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake.
Pet Blessing 2017

Furry friends of all sizes gathered at Holy Family today for a pet blessing offered by our transitional rector, The Reverend Tanya Beck. More photos can be viewed by clicking HERE.
Welcome, Reverend Tanya
As part of our rector search process, Holy Family welcomed the Reverend Tanya Vonnegut Beck today as our transitional rector. We are blessed to share in her forty years of pastoral care, preaching, and service to others.

Reverend Tanya also shared a special moment with some of the children at Holy Family. Following the combined worship service at 10 AM, our congregation members shared a pitch-in picnic in the parish hall. For more information about Holy Family’s search process can be found by clicking HERE.

Faith Journey Pipe & Helium Stick
Holy Family’s Youth Group recently met for its September dinner and teambuilding session. Youth participated in “faith journey pipe” where a small bead had to be transported through a 1/2 inch pvc pipe in two five-foot sections without making contact with the ground. The bead represents the fast and slow times of life and the need to have others around you to get you to the goal through love and support.

Helium stick is a team building activity in which participants are challenged to suspend a 10 foot section of pipe using only two fingers and lower it to the ground without losing contact with the pipe. The urge to raise the pipe (temptation) is overpowering and the group must work as a team to achieve the goal relying on solid communication, positive affirmation, and mental agility. Following the teambuilding activities, the youth closed the evening by participating in Compline worship together.
Holy Family’s youth meet for Sunday school each week at 9 AM and once each month on Sunday evenings for dinner, fellowship, and teambuilding activities. For more information on Holy Family’s youth programs, please contact Director Marty Blake.
Care Kits for Kids
During our 9 AM Sunday school hour, our Godly Play class (PreK-1st grade) chatted with Holy Family’s Deacon, the Reverend Cathy Scott, about children in need right in our own city. They talked about all the items that help kids stay clean and healthy, and how some families do not have enough money to buy those items.
Children packed 61 bags with toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, shampoo, body wash, and lotion. The bags will be distributed to one elementary school and one intermediate school in Fishers. These bags will be added to the supplies from the Gleaner backpack program that supports children who need food and other items at home.
During our 10 AM service, the children were invited forward to bless with bags with our visiting clergy, The Reverend Jay Lawlor. The bags will be delivered early next week. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Jennifer Kugar at Northeast Pediatric Dentistry and Dr. Malinda Mundy-Burgett at Grin Dentistry for donating supplies. For more information about outreach projects in our Sunday school program, please contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnson.

Mission in the Mountains Presentation

On Sunday, September 17th, Holy Family’s Mission in the Mountains team members shared stories and reflections from their summer mission trip. You may CLICK HERE to download the slides used during the presentation. The slides contain reflections from each of Holy Family’s youth that attended as well as a few from the Tennessee participants.
The Mission in the Mountains participants would like to thank everyone who supported our mission work. Our 2018 mission trip will take place in Indianapolis with guests from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Johnson City, TN. For more information, please contact our Youth Director Marty Blake at