Community Garden in the News

The Holy Family Community Garden was featured in the August 25th issue of the Fishers Current newspaper. Providing fresh produce to the Come to Me Food Pantry at Fishers United Methodist Church is what first spurned the garden’s creation. The garden first welcomed area gardeners in 2011 and has expanded nearly every year since. You may view the article by clicking HERE.
Thanks, Father Steve!

Special thanks to the Reverend Steven Giovangelo for sharing his time and talent with us during the latter half of Father Mike’s sabbatical.

We would also like to thank and acknowledge Deacon Cathy Scott for serving as liaison to our visiting clergy this summer.

Senior Warden Bryan Luce shared his gratitude on behalf of the congregation.

We enjoyed a special hospitality hosted by our vestry following the 10 AM service.
Feast of St. Mary

On Sunday, August 16th, we celebrated the feast of St. Mary, Mother of Jesus. The feast day is held on August 15th but was transferred to the closest Sunday. Father Steve used a variety of classical paintings as slides during his homily.

This icon was also on display on the altar. Our hymns and prelude paid homage to the mother of Our Savior.

Our altar flowers featured the lily, a symbol of virginity and purity.

Holy Family also welcomed guest musicians Brenda and Ron Iacocca. Brenda sang “Ave Maria” while Ron accompanied on the organ.
Tools 4 School 2015

Father Steve Giovangelo blessed our Tools 4 School supply drive donations this Sunday during the 10 AM service.

These supplies will be delivered to students in IPS School 57 by Deacon Cathy. Bless your generosity!
Mission Trip Team 2015

Holy Family Mission Trip Team 2015 – Philadelphia, PA
This year’s Mission Trip Team gathered this morning at sunrise to load up vans to travel to Philadelphia, PA for a week of service. Deacon Cathy Scott prayed with the team and family members.

We pray to you, Lord, who made Your home with the outcast and the poor. Help us be Your hands and feet as we seek to serve in Your name. Give us the wisdom to understand the needs and stories of others. Help us always realize that our Holy Family extends beyond our walls and, sometimes, beyond our own comfort level. Open our hearts to love, our arms to embrace, and our eyes to see the Kingdom of God in our midst. Amen.