Children’s Ministry
For the month of November, each weekly Sunday school Bible story will have lessons, videos, and activities that coordinate for all children in grades PreK-6. Your household is invited to watch and participate in any and all that work for you. You are invited to gather together via Zoom at 3 PM on most Sundays to review the Bible story of the week, share any art projects you have made, and visit online with classmates and teachers. While Holy Family’s outreach efforts continue all year, the holiday season brings about greater need. The November/December theme of “Caring for Others” will help children reflect on the stories of Jesus helping many people and encourage them and their families to find ways to serve as the heart and hands of Jesus in our community.
Youth Group
So far this fall we have looked at Caring for Ourselves and also touched on Diversity & Differences. These topics will continue to weave into our discussions this month and next as we start the “giving season” with Caring for Others. This topic is at the root of Jesus’s teachings and we strive to show the love of God to all those that surround us. October was a busy month, so our Sunday afternoon Zoom discussions (at 1 PM) will center around the book “This Book is Anti-Racist”. We will be adding a special prayer service the eve of the Election also. Watch for information about Socktober transitioning into Walking into November, along with Thanksgiving Baskets for some outreach possibilities.
Jolene Johnston, Director of Children’s Ministry
Ruth Everett, Director of Youth Ministry