Mark Your Calendars! All current 7th through 12th graders are invited on the annual Diocesan Youth Mission Trip to St. Louis, MO on July 6-11, 2025. Participants will work with service partners connected to local Episcopal churches. Youth and adult chaperones will stay at Salem United Methodist Church, located in the Ladue suburb of St. Louis. Service activities will be a mix of social and physical, with opportunities to experience the rich culture of St. Louis. The trip costs just $500 for youth and is free for adult leaders. Contact Ruth Everett, Holy Family Youth Director (youthministry@hfec.org) with any additional questions. More information and the registration form can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/HFECmission2025.
Follow Holy Family’s Youth Group adventures on social media (HFEC Youth Group on Facebook & Instagram.