Nine of HFEC’s youth group members along with four visiting youth from St. Christopher’s in Carmel met for a cookout fellowship Sunday evening. HFEC has extended an invitation to St. Christopher’s youth for our gatherings as their parish is also in transition of rector and youth ministers simultaneously.

The group focused on communication skills and trust-building using Mobile Team Challenge low ropes course. Participants balanced on 3-inch high beams and helped support one another crossing an increasing span up to nine feet wide. This activity requires direct eye contact, open communication, and a high level of trust from both partners.

A most successful evening activity was finished out with Compline led by Sam Cleaver assisted by Mikaila Blake. The next evening gathering will be held on September 17th from 5:30-8:00 PM. Please contact Youth Director Marty Blake for more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group program. mblake@hfec.org