Serving on Holy Family’s Vestry: A Brief Summary


  • To serve on the Vestry of Holy Family Episcopal Church, you must:
    • Be at least 16 years old
    • Have been baptized in the Episcopal Church or another Christian denomination
    • Have been faithful in giving of your time, talent, and treasure to the congregation and in your participation in worship
  • At least two-thirds of the members of the Vestry must have been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church.


Election and Terms

  • Vestry members are elected by members of the congregation at the annual parish meeting, which usually is conducted on the last Sunday in January.
  • Vestry members are elected for three-year terms.


Roles and Responsibilities

According to the bylaws of Holy Family Episcopal Church, the Vestry shall:

  • “Have general charge, management and control of the affairs, funds and property of the Parish, in accordance with canon law.
  • “Authorize and control all expenditures.
  • “Have full power, and it shall be the duty of the Vestry to carry out the purposes of the Episcopal Church in the Parish according to the Canons, rules, and usage’s of the canon law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America for parish congregations.”


The Vestry meets at least monthly, except for July and August. Vestry meetings usually are held on the third Wednesday of the month, beginning at 7 PM.
  • Special meetings of the Vestry may be called by the Rector, the Bishop, or at the request of at least three members of the Vestry.


Officers of the Parish

  • The Rector presides at Vestry meetings and serves as an ex officio member of the Vestry.
  • The Senior Warden is selected annually by the Rector from among the members of the Vestry.
  • The Junior Warden is elected annually by the members of the Vestry.
  • In addition, the Vestry annually elects the following officers who are not members of the Vestry, have no vote, but may participate in discussions at Vestry meetings.
    • Treasurer
    • Clerk


Youth Member

  • The Holy Family Youth Group annually elects one of its members who participates in Vestry meetings but may not vote on Vestry business.
If you feel called to serve on Holy Family’s Vestry, please complete the Vestry Application Form by January 15, 2025. If you believe another parishioner would be a 9ood candidate for vestry, please encourage that person to complete and submit a Vestry Application Form.