During Holy Week, online worship services will be available on Holy Family’s YouTube Channel (HFECVIDEOS) and as Facebook watch parties. You are encouraged to join together to participate online with other #holyvillage members. In addition, please consider taking part in these activities to deepen your walk through Holy Week.
Palm Sunday, April 5 – online service at 9 AM
- Create a home altar or worship gathering spot
- Cut greens or branches and put them on your front door or dining table
- Plan a walk through your neighborhood and carry something green
Maundy Thursday, April 9 – online service at 7 PM
- Bake some bread
- Wash someone’s feet
- Gather plants in one place to remember the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus went to pray
Good Friday, April 10 – online service at 7 PM
- Remove all items from your worship space except for one cross
- Weave branches or twigs into a crown
- Pray the Stations of the Cross (Children’s Stations best viewed on a computer, Stations video narrated by children, or build one in Legos)
Holy Saturday, April 11 – online service at 7 PM
- Take a walk and notice all the things that are about to “come alive”
- Fill a bowl with water to remember your baptism
- Light a candle in the darkness
Easter Sunday, April 12 – online service at 9 AM
- Decorate your worship space with flowers
- Place an empty plastic egg at your worship space to represent the empty tomb
- Give thanks for three important things in your life
- Visit the church website for a virtual Easter egg hunt
Please visit HolyFamilyFishers.org for online worship information.