Upcoming Events and General Announcements

Bible Study : Holy Family’s Bible Study group meets in the conference room on 9 AM each Sunday morning. The topic for this study is the Gospel of Luke. View the lesson schedule HERE. Please direct questions to Stephen and Kristine Canter via the church office. admin@hfec.org
Lenten Movement & Mindfulness: Make time for yourself and connect with God during Holy Family’s new Lenten Movement & Mindfulness program held on Wednesdays from 7-8 PM. During this six week discovery series led by Jolene Johnston and Greta Wilson, you can deepen your Lenten journey in community with others from the #holyvillage. Come for one gathering, or come for all! Each session will begin with some fun movement to release stress, great for ages 5-105! After grabbing a quick sip of water, slow things down into stretch and meditation through scripture. While each session will be geared toward all fitness levels and ages, it’s always a good idea to consult your physician before starting any new program. Please wear comfortable/workout clothes and sneakers. You are invited to bring water and a yoga mat/beach towel as well. Questions can be directed to Jolene and Greta at jjohnston@hfec.org. Visit the program webpage HERE. This gathering is free and open to all – bring a friend!
Compline Online – 9 PM Wednesdays in Lent: Compline, also known as Night Prayer, is a brief service in the Book of Common Prayer that takes place at the end of the day. It is a time of reflection and preparation for sleep. Compline is the final prayer of the canonical hours. The word “Compline” comes from the Latin, meaning “completion.” Join this brief online Zoom gathering led by Father Frank each Lenten Wednesday evening at 9 PM. All are welcome!
Game Night: The next gathering of Game Night is on Friday, April 4th at 7 PM. Feel free to bring games you are interested in playing. Please contact Fred Naatz through the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org See you there! 
Music & Meditation – Record Pull: Holy Family’s final Music & Meditation gathering for this season will be on April 6th beginning at 7 PM. You are encouraged to bring two songs that hold special importance for you. There will be time for discussion about why particular songs were selected and what makes them special. You don’t need to have a physical copy of any music – digital versions of the selected songs will be shared. Questions may be directed to Joel Bruns via the church office. All are welcome! admin@hfec.org
Prayer Group Meeting: Holy Family Prayer Group meets from 6:30 – 7 PM on the second Monday of the month. The next gathering is on April 14th. All are welcome to come and join in prayer. Contact Kristine Canter or the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Prayer Shawl Ministry:  The Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to anyone who has the skills or desire to knit or crochet. Additional hands are always needed, and teachers are available! Prayer Shawls begin with the shawl maker saying prayers for the recipient. Prayers are continued during the creation of the shawl and shawls are blessed by the priest before they are given as gifts. Meetings are held in the Narthex of Holy Family at 7 PM on the second Monday of the month. The next gathering is on April 14th. Please contact Kristine Canter or the the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Book Club: The next book for discussion will be Junie by Erin Crosby Eckstine. Join the conversation on Wednesday, April 23rd at 3 PM. Contact the church office for Google Meet information for this meeting or click HERE. admin@hfec.org 
Mark Your Calendars! All current 7th through 12th graders are invited on the annual Diocesan Youth Mission Trip to St. Louis, MO on July 6-11, 2025. Participants will work with service partners connected to local Episcopal churches. Youth and adult chaperones will stay at Salem United Methodist Church, located in the Ladue suburb of St. Louis. Service activities will be a mix of social and physical, with opportunities to experience the rich culture of St. Louis. The trip costs just $500 for youth and is free for adult leaders. Contact Ruth Everett, Holy Family Youth Director (youthministry@hfec.org) with any additional questions. More information and the registration form can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/HFECmission2025.
Missionaries of Charity Collection: Holy Family is actively collecting donations of new or gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves, sleeping bags, and blankets for the guests at Missionaries of Charity shelter in Indianapolis. Please drop off donations in the basket in the Narthex. Thank you for your support and keeping our neighbors in need warm this winter! Please direct questions to the church office. admin@hfec.org
Brain Food – UPDATED LIST! Students at Fishers Elementary need individually wrapped (nut-free) snacks: Pretzels (Rolled Gold, Pepperidge Farm, Herr’s), Popcorn (Skinny Pop, Smartfood, Utz), Cheez-Its, Teddy Grahams, Veggie Straws, Pepperidge Goldfish Crackers (Plain, cheddar, pretzel), Animal Crackers (Barnum, Austin Zoo), Pirate’s Booty, Nilla Wafers, Raisins and other dried fruits. Questions can be directed to the SATS team via the office. admin@hfec.org
Township Food Pantry: The food pantry has asked for the following items: sugar, oil, flour, juice, peanut butter/jelly,
spaghetti sauce, rice, dried beans, canned fruit, crackers, oatmeal, cereal, household cleaners, laundry detergent, bleach, personal hygiene items. This list includes suggestions, but any canned or nonperishable item is gratefully received.

Sunday School Registration: Please follow this link to register your children and youth for childcare, Sunday school, and other activities this school year. Great news! There is a “shortcut” version that skips having to fill out your address, emergency contacts, etc. for multiple children in one household. Please complete the form fully once for the first child, then select the shortcut version for additional  children. https://tinyurl.com/CMYG2024. Jolene Johnston, PreK-6th grade jjohnston@hfec.org  Ruth Everett, 7th-12th grade youthministry@hfec.org