Upcoming Events and General Announcements

NEW DATE! Music & Meditation Summer Offertory: Join Holy Family on July 21st when the offertory music during the 10 AM service will feature past and future selections from the Music & Meditation Ministry hosted by Joel Bruns. Selections re played on vinyl records and other recording equipment. Questions can be directed to Joel via the church office. admin@hfec.org
Game Night: The next gathering of Game Night is on Friday, August 2nd at 7 PM. Feel free to bring games you are interested in playing. Please contact Fred Naatz through the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org See you there! 
Prayer Group Meeting: Holy Family Prayer Group meets from 6:30 – 7 PM on the second Monday of the month. The next gathering is on August 12th. All are welcome to come and join in prayer. Contact Kristine Canter or the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Prayer Shawl Ministry:  The Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to anyone who has the skills or desire to knit or crochet. Additional hands are always needed, and teachers are available! Prayer Shawls begin with the shawl maker saying prayers for the recipient. Prayers are continued during the creation of the shawl and shawls are blessed by the priest before they are given as gifts. Meetings are held in the Narthex of Holy Family at 7 PM on the second Monday of the month. The next gathering is on August 12th. Please contact Kristine Canter or the the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Book Club: Reading the World book group will not meet in August…but there is a lot of reading to be done in preparation for the September meeting! The September book is really long…so get started on it soon! The Covenant of Water, by Abraham Verghese, takes readers to South India and covers three generations of a family that lives with a disturbing secret. With more than 700 engaging pages, this will be a worthy read for the heat of summer, so find a cool spot and settle in! The meeting date is Wednesday, September 18th at 3 PM. To join the lively discussions on this and other great books talk to Fr. Bruce or any Reading the World participant. bgray@hfec.org
Missionaries of Charity Donations: Holy Family is collecting needed items to support women at the Missionaries of Charity shelter in Indianapolis. Items may be placed in the collection box in the Narthex. The following items are requested: women’s underwear (all sizes), summer sleepwear (all sizes), sanitary pads, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap bars, and deodorant.
Township Food Pantry: The food pantry has asked for the following items: sugar, oil, flour, juice, peanut butter/jelly,
spaghetti sauce, rice, dried beans, canned fruit, crackers, oatmeal, cereal, household cleaners, laundry detergent, bleach, personal hygiene items. This list includes suggestions, but any canned or nonperishable item is gratefully received.