Christmas Eve
5 PM Children’s Service: We hold an early-evening service for families with young children. Children and youth fill most serving roles including greeters, readers, musicians, and ushers. We also have a special Gospel reading just for children. Come share communion and sing traditional Christmas carols with us to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is a family-friendly service, no childcare is provided so that our caregivers may worship with their families. However, our nursery room will be open during the service should you need it.
11 PM Midnight Mass: This service includes special music presented by the Holy Family choir, organ music, communion, and candlelight singing of Silent Night. Please note that incense is used at this service. Joy to the World!
Christmas Day
10 AM Service: We gather for a mid-morning service with communion to celebrate the arrival of our newborn King. In recent years our youth have started to wear pajamas to this service, and it has become known as “Jammie Church.” Kids of all ages are invited to wear their cozy pajamas or flannel pants. This is a family-friendly service, no childcare is provided.