Mission Trip Presentation 2019

On Sunday, November 3rd, members of this year’s Mission: Immersion crew shared stories and experiences from their mission work in Elwood, Fishers, and Indianapolis. Marty Blake, Youth Director during the trip, led the presentation. To view slides and photos from the presentation, please click HERE. For more information about mission work at Holy Family, please contact Youth Group Director Ben Paden. youthministry@hfec.org

Elwood Community Garden Update
In the summer of 2018, Holy Family’s youth group and friends from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Johnson City, TN started a paved path for the community garden in Elwood, IN. The work crew was presented with the beginnings of a path and pallets of restored brick from the streets of downtown Elwood.

Following one day of hard work, the path had a decent start. One year later, the path is fully complete, and the garden boxes are full! Thanks are extended to all who worked on the Serving in the Circle City mission trip crew of 2018 and all those who support their work. More information about Holy Family’s youth outreach work is available by email.

June Youth Gathering
On Sunday, June 9th, members of Holy Family’s youth group gathered with their parents for some teambuilding activities, campfire s’mores, and Compline. Despite the rainy weather, everyone took part in the activities in the outdoor picnic shelter. For more information about Holy Family’s youth activities, please email youthministry@hfec.org.

Celebration Sunday 2019

On Sunday, May 19th, Holy Family honored its 2019 high school graduates. Three students participated in 9 AM Sunday school, sharing reflections from their years in high school, holding part time jobs, and applying for college. Their parents were also invited to attend. During the 10 AM service, Father Bruce blessed all the graduates as well as its Christian formation teachers. The high school graduates will receive bibles and prayer shawls made by Holy Family’s Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction 2019

Holy Family’s Youth Group members held a successful spaghetti dinner and silent auction on Saturday, May 4, 2019. Students filled many roles for the evening including running the registration table, serving as host or hostess, manning the buffet and drink tables, servings guests at dinner, and managing silent auction bids. In addition to tasty spaghetti with meatballs and homemade desserts, guests enjoyed the musical stylings of soprano Hillary Blake and pianist Doug Tannas who shared live music throughout the evening.
The youth raised more than $1,400 at the event and wish to thank everyone who generously supported their upcoming mission trip efforts. For information about Holy Family’s Youth Group and mission trip work, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
More photos from the 2019 Spaghetti Dinner
and Silent Auction are available by clicking HERE.
Lenten Youth Group Outreach
Six youth from HFEC and four adults gathered on Friday evening, March 22nd, for time focused on the importance of effective communication and how it impacts our daily lives. The group participated in a nonverbal game of “telephone,” to understand the importance of detail in all forms of communication. As always, the end result is far away from the original piece of information! After our Compline worship service, the group delivered a prepared meal for the Hamilton County Emergency Communications dispatch center located at the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office/Jail Complex in Noblesville. After setting up the meal in the break room, the group was given a tour of the 911 dispatch center controlling the police, fire, and other emergency response operations in the county. The group was able to hear one-sided live 911 calls and see the required calm and effective action to perform this important job 24 hours a day! The group was also allowed to see the Emergency Operations Center which is activated during major events such as flooding, potential earthquakes, or other major disasters. Many of our youth and adults asked excellent questions and were able to learn about this potential career path is this important part of our lives. For more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group, please contact director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org
More photos from this event can be viewed HERE.
Shrove Tuesday 2019
On March 5th, Holy Family held its annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper youth group fundraiser. Guests enjoyed several different types of homemade pancakes and other treats. Special thanks are extended to those who prepared the food and to those who attended to support the youth. For more information about Holy Family youth group projects, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org
To view more photos from the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, please click HERE.
Waycross Spring 2019 Youth Retreat
On March 1-3, members of Holy Family’s youth group attended the “Light Up the Night” Diocesan Spring Youth Retreat at the Waycross Camp and Conference Center in Brown County. Students participated in a variety of activities including small group discussions, service projects, a talent show, a Eucharist with healing, and fellowship time. Newly-ordained The Reverend Patrick Burke served as chaplain. For more information about Holy Family’s youth group activities, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org

Coffeehouse Talent Show 2019

On Friday, February 8th, members and parents from Holy Family’s Youth Group held its third annual Coffeehouse Talent Show fundraiser. Money raised at this event supports mission work of Holy Family’s youth. Performers sang, danced, played piano, told jokes, and narrated art pieces. Guests enjoyed homemade desserts and specialized coffee drinks from Youth Group baristas. For more information about this event, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org
View more photos from the talent show HERE.
Winter Outing 2019
On January 27th, members of Holy Family’s youth group and friends took to the slopes at Perfect North in southeast Indiana for a day of fun and fellowship. The trip was chaperoned by Youth Director Marty Blake and parent Susan Luce. The students had the opportunity to participate in tubing, skiing, and snowboarding. A fun time was had by all! For more information about Youth Group activities, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org