Posted on May 17, 2021 in General, Worship, Youth Group |
On Sunday, May 16th, Holy Family celebrated its 2021 high school graduates. The seniors were presented with bibles as well as prayer shawls made by members of Holy Family’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. Both items were blessed by Father Bruce during the 10 AM service. Pictured above with Father Bruce are Hannah Tannas, Mikaila Blake, and Zach Clar.
Aaron Lackner was not able to attend the presentation. Father Bruce also blessed all teachers during the service which was also the last day of Sunday school for the spring term. For more information about teens and Youth Ministry at Holy Family, please contact Director Ruth Everett.
Posted on May 10, 2021 in Children, Fellowship, General, Worship, Youth Group |
On Sunday, April 25th, Children’s Ministry and Youth Group households enjoyed a Holy Hike at Flat Fork Creek Park in Fishers led by Deacon Cathy Scott. The focus of the walk was thanking God for all creation in honor of Earth Day. Participants enjoyed the various trails, walkways, and treehouses at the park and stopped at various points to pray together. Prior to the walk, several families joined together at the picnic shelter to enjoy lunches that they brought for themselves. For more information about Holy Family’s Children’s Ministry and Youth Group activities, please contact the Directors.
View photos from the Earth Day Holy Hike 2021 HERE.
Posted on May 10, 2021 in Children, Christian Education, General, Youth Group |

Following many postponements and cancellations of events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Holy Family was finally able to host its Gospel at Hogwarts 2020 event in April 2021. Students attended an outdoor, in-person event at Holy Family to visit Diagon Alley to “shop” for school supplies. They walked through shops such as The Leaky Cauldron, Potages Cauldrons, Madame Malkin’s, Ollivanders, Flourish and Blotts, and Honeydukes then visited with Hagrid around a campfire. On the following evening, students entered the Zoom of Requirement for an evening of scripture and magical stories followed by more conversation with the Professors. Plans are already underway for the next event in November 2021. For more information about this free community event, please contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston.
View Gospel at Hogwarts 2020 photos HERE.
Posted on Mar 23, 2021 in General, Worship, Youth Group |
On Sunday evening, the Holy Family youth group met in person to share in evening prayer together. Socially-distanced and wearing masks, the youth and adults sat around the fire and brought a beautiful day to an end with Compline. Deacon Cathy Scott came back to visit and discussed new beginnings. Inspired by her trip to Iona, she utilized rocks to show the release of burdens and welcome positivity into their lives. The group was also able to witness the start of a beautiful sunset and also watch a fox wander through the outdoor worship area. For more information about Youth Group, contact Director, Ruth Everett, at
For more photos from the Campfire Compline, please click HERE.
Posted on Nov 6, 2020 in Children, Fellowship, Youth Group |
Holy Family hosted its first Trunk or Treat event on October 30, 2020. Congregation members decorated the trunks of their vehicles in a variety of themes and handed out treats to children who attended. COVID-19 precautions were taken and included having display hosts wear gloves and masks for the entire event, offering treats that were store-made and individually-wrapped (in many cases prebagged as well), spacing vehicles more than six feet apart, making hand sanitizer available at several locations, and having the children visit the displays in a one-way path. Great fun was had by all! For more information about activities with Holy Family’s children and youth, please contact one of the program directors.
Jolene Johnston – Children’s Ministry,
Ruth Everett – Youth Ministry
To view photos from this event,
please click HERE.
Posted on Sep 30, 2020 in Children, Christian Education, Youth Group |
On Sunday, September 25th, children and youth members of Holy Family gathered for outdoor, socially-distanced gatherings of faith, fun, and fellowship. Children and youth each navigated an obstacle course, blind-folded, listening to the careful instructions of a Sunday school classmate or adult. The resulting discussion and prayers focused on the need to listen for God, no matter how difficult, in an ever-changing and anxious world. The youth group also enjoyed a personalized meditation/self-care session by yoga instructor and HFEC member, Greta Wilson. For more information about Christian formation activities at Holy Family, please contact the program directors.
Click HERE for more photos from this event.
Posted on Sep 14, 2020 in Children, Christian Education, General, Youth Group |
On Sunday, September 13th, all ages of Sunday school/Christian formation classes met online via Zoom to begin the fall semester. For more information regarding upcoming virtual meetings and in-person gatherings, please contact Jolene Johnston at or see the Holy Family
Posted on Jul 6, 2020 in Children, Fellowship, General, Worship, Youth Group |

To celebrate the Fourth of July, Holy Family’s Children and Youth Ministry students were treated to a surprise porch drop goodie bag filled with sidewalk chalk, a beach ball, microwave POPcorn, freezer POPsicles, temporary tattoos, glow sticks, suncatchers, and a US flag. The bag also included a handout with a prayer for our country from the Book of Common Prayer, a patriotic Spotify playlist, and helpful links to inspire patriotism in kids. During this time of physical separation, Holy Family enjoys finding ways to keep people feeling connected as a #holyvillage. For more information about Holy Family please contact the following: Ruth Everett (
Youth Ministry) or Jolene Johnston (
Children’s Ministry).
To view photos of families in action with their patriotic goodie bags, please click HERE.
Posted on Feb 26, 2020 in Fellowship, General, Youth Group |

On February 25th, Holy Family held its annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper youth group fundraiser. Guests enjoyed several different types of homemade pancakes and other treats. Special thanks are extended to those who prepared the food and to those who attended to support the youth. For more information about Holy Family youth group projects, please contact Youth Directors Ben and Bethany Paden.
To view more photos from the
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper,
please click HERE.
Posted on Feb 22, 2020 in General, Youth Group |

Holy Family’s youth group got together on Sunday, February 16th to “get lernt” on making a spaghetti dinner. Complete with vegetables (no plain, buttered noodles here), Holy Family’s young adults learned how to put together a properly sauced Italian dish worthy of Nonna’s recipe book. They experienced how to dice and add fresh ingredients, cook to perfection on the stove, and time everything to be ready at the same moment. Excitement is high for next month when youth leaders attempt to pass on the skills of monetary frugality and budgeting. See you in March! For more information on youth group events at Holy Family, please contact Youth Directors Ben and Bethany Paden.
CLICK HERE to view more photos from this event.