Elwood Community Garden Update
In the summer of 2018, Holy Family’s youth group and friends from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Johnson City, TN started a paved path for the community garden in Elwood, IN. The work crew was presented with the beginnings of a path and pallets of restored brick from the streets of downtown Elwood.

Following one day of hard work, the path had a decent start. One year later, the path is fully complete, and the garden boxes are full! Thanks are extended to all who worked on the Serving in the Circle City mission trip crew of 2018 and all those who support their work. More information about Holy Family’s youth outreach work is available by email.

Coffeehouse Talent Show 2019

On Friday, February 8th, members and parents from Holy Family’s Youth Group held its third annual Coffeehouse Talent Show fundraiser. Money raised at this event supports mission work of Holy Family’s youth. Performers sang, danced, played piano, told jokes, and narrated art pieces. Guests enjoyed homemade desserts and specialized coffee drinks from Youth Group baristas. For more information about this event, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org
View more photos from the talent show HERE.
Silent Auction, Spaghetti, and Success!

Holy Family’s Youth Group members held a successful spaghetti dinner and silent auction on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Students filled many roles for the evening including running the registration table, serving as host or hostess, manning the buffet and drink tables, servings guests at dinner, and managing silent auction bids. In addition to tasty spaghetti with meatballs and homemade desserts, guests enjoyed the musical stylings of soprano Hillary Blake and pianist Doug Tannas who shared Italian arias throughout the evening.
The youth raised more than $2,000 at the event and wish to thank everyone who generously supported their upcoming mission trip efforts. For information about Holy Family’s Youth Group and mission trip work, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
More photos from the 2018 Spaghetti Dinner
and Silent Auction are available by clicking HERE.
Mission in the Mountains Presentation

On Sunday, September 17th, Holy Family’s Mission in the Mountains team members shared stories and reflections from their summer mission trip. You may CLICK HERE to download the slides used during the presentation. The slides contain reflections from each of Holy Family’s youth that attended as well as a few from the Tennessee participants.
The Mission in the Mountains participants would like to thank everyone who supported our mission work. Our 2018 mission trip will take place in Indianapolis with guests from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Johnson City, TN. For more information, please contact our Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
Mission in the Mountains: Called to Serve

On Sunday, July 9th, Father John Conners commissioned the ten youth and four adults that will travel to Johnson City, TN on this year’s Mission in the Mountains trip. This mission trip is part of the larger Holy Family Youth Exchange program created with help from Youth Ministry Grant Initiative funds from the Center for Congregations.
We encourage you to join the Mission in the Mountains journey by following HFECyouthgroup on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. More information about the Youth Exchange program as well as photos and video from the 2016 trip are available by clicking HERE. Please contact Youth Director Marty Blake with questions about Holy Family’s youth group program. mblake@hfec.org
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
Mission: United in Faith Presentation

On Sunday, August 21st, members of this year’s Mission: United in Faith mission trip team presented to the congregation during our 9 AM Adult Forum. Marty Blake, Director of Youth Ministry, shared an overview of the week’s service work, worship opportunities, and fellowship. Youth Group members shared personal stories as well.

During the presentation, the mission team shared a compilation of photographs and short video clips from the week. Special thanks are extended to Youth Group leader Ruth Everett for creating the video. You may view the video presentation by clicking below.

Mission: United in Faith 2016

Holy Family recently held its first Mission: United in Faith mission trip as part of the larger Holy Family Youth Exchange program. This program was funded in part by a Youth Ministry Initiative Grant from the Center for Congregations. The week-long program was held in Brown County and Marion County, Indiana.
Seventeen youth and six adults participated in a variety of service activities including serving meals at Mother’s Cupboard, working at the Wheeler Mission Thrift Store, and making improvements to the facilities at Waycross Camp and Conference Center. They worshipped together daily using the Book of Common Prayer and had several special worship opportunities including those led by Bishop Cate Waynick, Father Mike Galvin, and Deacon Cathy Scott. Throughout the week they enjoyed fellowship through teambuilding games, swimming and canoeing, a drive-in movie, and scavenger hunt.
Photos from the trip are available on the Holy Family Youth Group Facebook page. Please CLICK HERE to view the photos (you do not need to have a Facebook account to view the photos.) The Youth Group will continue its Youth Exchange program during the school year and will connect with other Episcopal Youth Groups around the country. For more information about this program, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
Mission Trip Team 2015

Holy Family Mission Trip Team 2015 – Philadelphia, PA
This year’s Mission Trip Team gathered this morning at sunrise to load up vans to travel to Philadelphia, PA for a week of service. Deacon Cathy Scott prayed with the team and family members.

We pray to you, Lord, who made Your home with the outcast and the poor. Help us be Your hands and feet as we seek to serve in Your name. Give us the wisdom to understand the needs and stories of others. Help us always realize that our Holy Family extends beyond our walls and, sometimes, beyond our own comfort level. Open our hearts to love, our arms to embrace, and our eyes to see the Kingdom of God in our midst. Amen.

2015 Mission Trip: Gathering
On Saturday June 20, several members of the Holy Family mission trip team met to prepare for their upcoming mission to Philadelphia in July. The afternoon meeting included fellowship time and discussion about some of the systemic issues of racism and economic oppression as they pertain to those the team will be serving in Philadelphia.
The second portion of the gathering focused on safety awareness and self defense techniques. Recommended Fourth Dan Black Belt Deanna Dicken from North Indy Taekwondo shared a discussion about general safety principles and ways to avoid danger. It included suggestions on how to escape a variety of dangerous situations.

Mrs. Dicken modeled several physical attacks and simple ways to escape.
Students, adult mentors, and parents were encouraged to practice the escape techniques.
As is often the case at Holy Family, we ended the evening with a pitch-in picnic meal. Thank you to all who made the afternoon possible. We are almost ready to go and serve at the Episcopal Mission Center! Our next Mission Trip gathering is planned for July. jjohnston@hfec.org