Walking Through Lent: Cheeney Creek

Holy Family held a hike today as part of the 2021 Walking Through Lent series. The walkers traveled the paved trail at Cheeney Creek Natural Area. The walks continue next week, meeting at Ritchey Woods at 10 AM on Saturday, March 6th. All are welcome!

View more pictures from today’s walk HERE.

Walking Through Lent: Nickel Plate Trail

Holy Family held its first winter hike as part of the 2021 Walking Through Lent series. The walkers trudged through a portion of the unplowed Nickle Plate trail. The walks continue next week, meeting at Cheeney Creek Natural Area at 10 AM on Saturday, February 27th. All are welcome!

View more pictures from today’s walk HERE.

Ash Wednesday at Home

On Wednesday, February 17th, Holy Family held its first virtual Ash Wednesday service livestreamed on YouTube. Parishioners tuned in from home on various devices and imposed ashes on themselves and others in their households. View or print the bulletin HERE.
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

View photos from Holy Family households worshiping at home by clicking HERE.

Celebrating St. Nick

On Sunday, December 6th, Holy Family celebrated the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of sailors and those in need, particularly children. St. Nick shared stories of his life with Junior Warden and long-time Sunday school teacher, Bob Murray, during Holy Family’s 9 AM worship service Facebook watch party. Father Bruce continued the conversation about the beloved bishop during 10 AM Adult Forum. Finally, Holy Family’s children were surprised by a visit from St. Nick during their weekly Children’s Ministry Zoom gathering where they learned more from him and shared the passing of the Peace. For more information about special events at Holy Family, contact Father Bruce Gray. bgray@hfec.org

Pet Blessing 2020

On Sunday, October 4th, Holy Family resumed in-person worship following many months of participating solely in virtual worship through prepared video services. The outdoor services were broadcast over AM radio in the parking lot and featured the blessing of the animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. Despite the rain, participants joyously honked their car horns during the sign of peace and waved to maintain social distancing protocols. For more information about worship at Holy Family, please contact Father Bruce Gray. bgray@hfec.org

For more photos of the 2020
Pet Blessing and outdoor worship, click HERE.


Drone photo courtesy of Stephen Beard

Christian Formation Fall Kickoff

On Sunday, September 13th, all ages of Sunday school/Christian formation classes met online via Zoom to begin the fall semester. For more information regarding upcoming virtual meetings and in-person gatherings, please contact Jolene Johnston at jjohnston@hfec.org or see the Holy Family newsletter.

New Daughters of the King

Welcome, New Daughters of the King
Early this spring, four women embarked on a journey like no other. Through a national study with time for prayer and reflection, these women prepared themselves, during a pandemic, for membership into The Order of the Daughters of the King. This process was also unique as they met online through Zoom to learn, grow, and pray together. Deacon Cathy Scott led the study with the help of the current chapter officers. On Thursday evening, Monique Anderson, The Reverend Cathy Gray, Katie Hamon, and Katie Swec (pictured above) took a vow and joined the Hannah Chapter at Holy Family.
From left to right: The Reverend Cathy Scott (Holy Family Deacon and Hannah Chapter Chaplain), Katie Hamon, Ruth Everett (chapter Vice President), The Reverend Cathy Gray, Monique Anderson, Kristine Canter (chapter President), and Katie Swec.
Welcome, ladies!!


Patriotic Porch Drop

To celebrate the Fourth of July, Holy Family’s Children and Youth Ministry students were treated to a surprise porch drop goodie bag filled with sidewalk chalk, a beach ball, microwave POPcorn, freezer POPsicles, temporary tattoos, glow sticks, suncatchers, and a US flag. The bag also included a handout with a prayer for our country from the Book of Common Prayer, a patriotic Spotify playlist, and helpful links to inspire patriotism in kids. During this time of physical separation, Holy Family enjoys finding ways to keep people feeling connected as a #holyvillage. For more information about Holy Family please contact the following: Ruth Everett (Youth Ministry) or Jolene Johnston (Children’s Ministry). 

To view photos of families in action with their patriotic goodie bags, please click HERE.

Racial Justice Demonstrations

The Reverend Cathy Scott, Holy Family’s Deacon, and other parishioners recently attended racial justice demonstrations in Indianapolis and Fishers. 
A message from the Right Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows at the Processional for Racial Justice hosted by Faith in Indiana on May 31, 2020:
‘I see you Indy Diocese, Indianapolis, and friends of many faiths and none—speak out, stand up, may justice roll down.”

Statement from Mayor Scott Fadness on the Fishers Equity Awareness Demonstration at the Nickel Plate AMP on June 1, 2020:

“Tonight, I witnessed our next generation come together to clearly voice their collective anger, frustration, and disappointment at previous generations’ inability to right the wrongs of the past. The conduct of these young people and their commitment to creating a better society for all gives me a glimmer of hope in this dark chapter of our nation. Our city is on a journey to create an environment where all people are treated with dignity. Tonight is a reminder that we must be willing to commit ourselves to that end.”
For more information for making a bold witness regarding racial injustice, please contact Deacon Cathy. cscott@hfec.org

For photos from these events,
please click HERE.

Daughters of the King Online

Despite the limitations imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic, the Hannah Chapter of Daughters of the King at Holy Family has continued to remain a thriving community of faithful and connected women. In April, the current chapter officers hosted an online “Discover DOK” question and answer session for members of the congregation who were interested in learning more about the order. Following a period of discernment, four women have begun the National Study under the direction of Holy Family’s deacon, The Reverend Cathy Scott, who also serves as the chaplain of Hannah Chapter. In addition to prayer and study, Holy Family Daughters recently converted their birthday party to a ZOOM celebration. Chapter officers delivered goodie bags (contact-free) to the porches of all members which included a birthday napkin, noisemaker, individually-wrapped birthday cupcake, chocolates, and a birthday card with ZOOM information. Nearly two-thirds of the chapter’s members were able to attend the virtual birthday bash online which celebrated all Daughters. Hannah Chapter continues to look for ways to pray, serve, and evangelize during this uncertain time. For more information about the Hannah Chapter of Daughters of the King at Holy Family, please contact chapter secretary Jolene Johnston. jjohnston@hfec.org