Holy Hike with DOK

On Saturday, September 26th, members of the Hannah Chapter of Daughters of the King at Holy Family enjoyed a Holy Hike at Fort Harrison State Park led by the chapter’s chaplain, The Reverend Cathy Scott. Participants read prayers along the hour-long hike and finished with a socially-distanced picnic and fellowship time. For more information about holy hikes, contact Deacon Cathy. cscott@hfec.org

Additional photos from the hike
can be found HERE.


New Daughters of the King

Welcome, New Daughters of the King
Early this spring, four women embarked on a journey like no other. Through a national study with time for prayer and reflection, these women prepared themselves, during a pandemic, for membership into The Order of the Daughters of the King. This process was also unique as they met online through Zoom to learn, grow, and pray together. Deacon Cathy Scott led the study with the help of the current chapter officers. On Thursday evening, Monique Anderson, The Reverend Cathy Gray, Katie Hamon, and Katie Swec (pictured above) took a vow and joined the Hannah Chapter at Holy Family.
From left to right: The Reverend Cathy Scott (Holy Family Deacon and Hannah Chapter Chaplain), Katie Hamon, Ruth Everett (chapter Vice President), The Reverend Cathy Gray, Monique Anderson, Kristine Canter (chapter President), and Katie Swec.
Welcome, ladies!!


Daughters of the King Online

Despite the limitations imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic, the Hannah Chapter of Daughters of the King at Holy Family has continued to remain a thriving community of faithful and connected women. In April, the current chapter officers hosted an online “Discover DOK” question and answer session for members of the congregation who were interested in learning more about the order. Following a period of discernment, four women have begun the National Study under the direction of Holy Family’s deacon, The Reverend Cathy Scott, who also serves as the chaplain of Hannah Chapter. In addition to prayer and study, Holy Family Daughters recently converted their birthday party to a ZOOM celebration. Chapter officers delivered goodie bags (contact-free) to the porches of all members which included a birthday napkin, noisemaker, individually-wrapped birthday cupcake, chocolates, and a birthday card with ZOOM information. Nearly two-thirds of the chapter’s members were able to attend the virtual birthday bash online which celebrated all Daughters. Hannah Chapter continues to look for ways to pray, serve, and evangelize during this uncertain time. For more information about the Hannah Chapter of Daughters of the King at Holy Family, please contact chapter secretary Jolene Johnston. jjohnston@hfec.org

Jr. DOK Prayer Walk

On Sunday, July 14th, a few members of Holy Family’s Daughters of the King and Jr. Daughters of the King chapters participated in a prayer walk at Flowing Well Park in Carmel. Participants enjoyed the glorious weather and stopped along the trail to focus on nature, read scripture, and reflect on God’s glory. For more information about Jr. Daughters of the King at Holy Family, please contact Directresses Ruth Everett and Kristine Canter. mmjrdok@gmail.com

Jr. DOK Gathering

In preparation for Lent, the Mary & Martha Chapter of the Junior Daughters of the King shared in an Agape Meal on Saturday, February 23rd. This is a meal of Christian fellowship that mirrors the meals Jesus shared with his disciples and others throughout His ministry. Fellowship and community are celebrated around the theme of a meal that can include items such as bread, cheese, olives, grapes, and juice with scripture and music intertwined. Following the meal, the girls prepared and packaged homemade granola as an outreach for Miracle Place in Indianapolis. The afternoon concluded with the girls reviewing the JOY (Jesus, Others, You) and the Five Finger Prayer formats and creating a Lenten Prayer Chain with 40 days of prayer topics. For questions regarding the Jr. Daughters of the King (for girls in 3rd grade through age 18), please contact co-directresses, Ruth Everett or Kristine Canter at mmjrdok@gmail.com.

Game Night with DOK


On Friday, February 8th, Holy Family’s Daughters of the Kings joined the fun and tagged onto Game Night in the parish hall. Gamers enjoyed fellowship and snacks throughout the evening. For more information about social gatherings at Holy Family, please contact the church office. admin@hfec.org

Junior Daughter Cookie Exchange 2018

On Saturday, December 15th, several members and prospective members of the Junior Daughters of the King at Holy Family gathered with their mothers and other Daughters of the King for a cookie exchange. Participants made holiday crafts and watched a movie. For more information about Junior Daughters of the King at Holy Family, please contact co-directors Ruth Everett and Kristine Canter. mmjrdok@gmail.com  

View more cookie exchange photos HERE.

Flowers, Friends, and Fun

Members of Holy Family’s Mary & Martha Chapter of Junior Daughters of the King led a fellowship visit to Brookdale Senior Living Solutions in Castleton. The Junior Daughters were joined by siblings, parents, friends, and members of Holy Family’s Youth group. (To maintain the privacy of residents, only photos of youth are shown.) Holy Family members visited the rooms of residents as well as common areas and handed out flowers to all who wanted them. Special thanks are extended to Brookdale representative Destiny who guided the visitors through the facility. This is a continuing project of Holy Family’s youth that was inspired by an impromptu visit to an assisted living facility during the mission trip of 2017. For more information about Holy Family’s Junior Daughters of the King or Youth Group, please contact the church office. admin@hfec.org

DOK Officer Installation

On Sunday, November 12th, the Hannah Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King at Holy Family blessed and installed its newest officers. For more information about Daughters of the King, please contact our church office. admin@hfec.org.
2017-2018 officers from left to right: Kris Brown (Secretary), Kristine Canter (President), Ruth Everett (Treasurer), Bethany Paden (President-Elect.)

Daughters of the King: New Members

During our 10 AM service on July 9th, four new members joined the Hannah Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King at Holy Family Episcopal Church through a service of admission. They were joined by other Daughters from our chapter. The Order of the Daughters of the King® is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic episcopate but not in communion with it. Our membership currently includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches.

Father John Conners and Deacon Cathy Scott led the service which included the entire congregation. The Mission of the Order is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.

New members (from left to right): Susie Beard, Jennifer McGuire, Teresa Conroy-Roth, and Dee FInkbeiner
Following the service, a special hospitality was held in honor our newest Daughters. More information about the Daughters of the King can be found by clicking HERE or contacting the church office. admin@hfec.org

For His Sake…I am but one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?