Mission: United in Faith 2016
Holy Family recently held its first Mission: United in Faith mission trip as part of the larger Holy Family Youth Exchange program. This program was funded in part by a Youth Ministry Initiative Grant from the Center for Congregations. The week-long program was held in Brown County and Marion County, Indiana.
Seventeen youth and six adults participated in a variety of service activities including serving meals at Mother’s Cupboard, working at the Wheeler Mission Thrift Store, and making improvements to the facilities at Waycross Camp and Conference Center. They worshipped together daily using the Book of Common Prayer and had several special worship opportunities including those led by Bishop Cate Waynick, Father Mike Galvin, and Deacon Cathy Scott. Throughout the week they enjoyed fellowship through teambuilding games, swimming and canoeing, a drive-in movie, and scavenger hunt.
Photos from the trip are available on the Holy Family Youth Group Facebook page. Please CLICK HERE to view the photos (you do not need to have a Facebook account to view the photos.) The Youth Group will continue its Youth Exchange program during the school year and will connect with other Episcopal Youth Groups around the country. For more information about this program, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
Pentecost – Celebration Sunday
On Sunday, May 15th, Holy Family observed the Feast of Pentecost with a variety of celebrations. During our 8 AM service we recognized Amy Mundie for nearly twenty years of service to the children and families of our church as Nursery Leader. Deacon Cathy and Father Mike presented Amy with flowers and a certificate of appreciation.
During the 10 AM service we recognized our 2016 high school graduates. Each student described his or her current school and plans for the future.
As it tradition at Holy Family, each student was awarded a bible and a prayer shawl created by crafters in the congregation. Father Mike blessed them and encouraged them to keep their “Holy Family” close in their prayers.
Father Mike also recognized and blessed all Christian education teachers and childcare workers during the 10 AM service. Many congregation members wore red in the spirit of Pentecost. Cheery balloons floated above the chairs. Finally, Father Mike shared one of his favorite prayers for the Feast of Pentecost.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,
did instruct the hearts of the faithful,
grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise
and ever enjoy His consolations,
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Medical Mutts Presentation
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On Sunday, May 15th Holy Family hosted a special presentation by Medical Mutts Dr. Jennifer Cattet, owner and dog trainer, shared helpful information about patients with “invisible diseases” such as diabetes and seizure disorders which are often aided by the use of service dogs. She and her husband, Jack Topham, shared personal stories about the training techniques used with their dogs as well as the amazing physiology of canines that allow them to serve in such an important life-saving role.
At Medical Mutts, they are passionate about helping patients with health issues work with a dog to assist them in handling their medical needs. Because trainers at Medical Mutts only work with dogs from shelters, they strive to help good dogs find a new life while providing options for patients in need of an alert to potential emergencies due to diabetes, seizures, PTSD, or other medical needs.
Medical Mutt Tyson demonstrated service dog skills such as “nose-touching” a person to alert to low blood sugar and also showed how he can carry his own leash, or other items, if necessary. Dr. Cattet shared appropriate service dog etiquette with our congregation members which will be valuable information when one of our parishioners is partnered with a Medical Mutt in the near future. Please CLICK HERE for a PDF version of their service dog etiquette handout. For ways that you can help support Medical Mutts, please contact the church office. admin@hfec.org
Snacks for Miracle Place
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Students from our Disciples Sunday school class, grades 4-6, gathered recently to learn more about the children’s programs at Miracle Place in Indianapolis. Doing homework, reading, playing games, participating in Cub Scouts, decorating cookies, shooting hoops, and participating in the fitness program provide the children with a safe, warm and loving environment. The care and concern of the staff and volunteers at Miracle Place give the children a sense of belonging. Lessons in politeness, respect, and self-discipline are emphasized each day.
They gathered in our newly-renovated Narthex space to hear about the program and facilities, a discussion led by Deacon Cathy Scott and parent Susan Stahly. Following the discussion, the students and leaders prepared snacks that will be enjoyed by students who attend the Miracle Place after school program.
Larry, our new friend from England, stopped by to help pack a few snacks and sign notes to the children.
Disciples class students presented the snacks during the Offertory at Sunday’s 10 AM service and helped bless them before they were delivered to Miracle Place during the week. More information about outreach projects at Holy Family can be seen by clicking HERE or contacting the church office. admin@hfec.org
Shrove Tuesday 2016
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Shrove Tuesday at Holy Family was particularly exciting this year as we celebrated the first large-scale use of our new parish hall. We held a liturgy to burn palms from 2015, the ashes from which will be used in our services tomorrow on Ash Wednesday.
We “buried the Alleluia” and put away our gold and white banner until Easter Vigil.
Finally, we enjoyed pancakes with all the extras in our annual Pancake Supper youth group fundraiser. Special thanks are extended to all those who cooked and served food at tonight’s event.
Final Words From the Cross: Adult Forum
Join us in the parish hall for 9 AM Adult Forum during Lent to examine Christ’s dying hours and his final words as seen and heard by those who stood near the cross. Adam Hamilton’s study provides insight into the scenes we hear in readings and song, and gives an opportunity for us to reflect on Jesus at the most traumatic time in his life.
February 21: “Father, Forgive Them”
February 28: “Today You Will Be With Me in Paradise” and “Behold Your Son….Behold Your Mother”
March 6: “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
March 13: “I Thirst”
March 20: “It is Finished…Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit”
March 27: Easter Sunday, no class
April 3: The Words After That
Candy Cane Evangelism
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In our final intergenerational Advent Sunday school gathering this year, Deacon Cathy Scott engaged children and adults in a discussion about evangelism.
Sunday school mentor Heather Tannas read The Legend of the Candy Cane by Lori Walburg which explains the Christian symbolism of the traditional holiday candy.
Following the story, participants created welcome bundles for family and friends that include a packet of hot cocoa, a candy cane, and a postcard with Christmas service times. The bundles were distributed to families during the 10 AM service to invite others to spend Christmas with our Holy Family.
Twelve Ways of Giving
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During our 9 AM Christian education hour, we gathered everyone together for an intergenerational approach to Advent. First, we heard a reading of The Legend of St. Nicholas: A Story of Christmas Giving by Dandi Daley Mackall. Then our Youth Group members presented a comical rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Our participants divided into three groups and brainstormed “ways of giving” in honor of St. Nicholas. They were encouraged to think about ways to “be present” in the lives of friends and family as well as ways of physically giving money or other items.
The ideas were compiled into a convenient handout that was distributed to families following the 10 AM service. Children were also offered a chocolate coin in honor of St. Nicholas. For more information about our youth or adult Christian programming, please contact Jolene Johnston. jjohnston@hfec.org
Magic or Miracles?
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This week, children in our Sunday school and Youth Group programs finished their fall unit about the Miracles of Jesus. Children and teachers presented a few magic tricks to the group and shared in a meaningful discussion about why the miracles of Jesus were much more than just magic.
Following the discussion, the children got into small groups and planned out ways to present the bible stories we reviewed through charades. The stories included Jesus walking on water, calming the storm, healing the blind and paralyzed, filling the nets with fish, and feeding the five thousand.
Feeding the Five Thousand
Our Miracles of Jesus unit continued with the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand. The children brainstormed ways to help feed the “five thousand” in their community. As a final activity, the students used canned and boxed goods donations given by congregation members as well as those collected at the recent Fishers High School Choirs concert to create a sculpture of a boat, The boat stood in the Narthex as a reminder to bring more food donations before the items were delivered to the Delaware Township Trustee’s food pantry. In total, over seven hundred pounds of food were delivered to the food pantry to restock their shelves for families in need.