Children’s Ministry

For the month of September, each weekly Sunday school Bible story will have lessons, videos, and activities that coordinate for all children in grades PreK-6. Your household is invited to watch and participate in any and all that work for you. On Sunday mornings, you are invited to gather together via Zoom at 10 AM to review the Bible story of the week, share any art projects you have made, and visit online with classmates and teachers.  The themes for this month are expressing emotions, taking time to relax, and self-care. At the end of the month, children are invited to participate in an outdoor, socially-distanced gathering on the church grounds to experience “listening for God’s voice” in person. 

Youth Group
Throughout the Fall of 2020, the youth group plans to meet online with members at least once a month and in-person (outside and socially distanced) at least once also. This month we will focus on self-care and listening for God in our daily lives. This will include taking time away from technology, utilizing mindfulness, and caring for our bodies (physically, mentally, and spiritually). Additional resources and links can be found below.

Jolene Johnston, Director of Children’s Ministry
Ruth Everett, Director of Youth Ministry