Care Package Ministry – A Note from Alaska

Holy Family’s Care Package Ministry kicked off the new year with a bundle of notes and treats to one of our congregation members who is spending several months volunteering in Alaska. Mara describes her care package and how it made her feel in a thoughtful blog post that you can read by clicking HERE. Come home soon, Mara!
“Unconditional love and support is nothing to take for granted and something
that we miss terribly when we are away.” – Mara Yachik
that we miss terribly when we are away.” – Mara Yachik
End Racism Sunday

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and President of the House of Deputies the Reverend Gay Clark Jennings have issued a letter calling on Episcopal congregations to participate in “Confession, Repentance, and Commitment to End Racism Sunday” on September 6th. Father Mike read this letter aloud during our 8 AM and 10 AM services. You may read the Presiding Bishop’s letter by clicking HERE.
City of God Contract Complete

Holy Family Episcopal Church executes a construction contract with Aspen Group, for the expansion of multi-purpose space and remodeling of existing space. This project will impact nearly 9,300 square feet of space at the church. Pictured (L to R) Bryan Luce, Senior Warden, The Rev. Michael Galvin, Rector, and Bob Gray representing Aspen Group.
More information about our City of God building project can be found HERE.
Welcome back, Father Mike!

Today the Reverend Michael Galvin, Rector, rejoined his congregation at Holy Family following a fourteen week summer sabbatical. Father Mike spent time in Europe as well as the United States in a time of spiritual and physical renewal.

Our “holy village” was extremely excited to have Father Mike back in church with us.

Father Mike spent some time greeting congregation members and visitors and chatting.
Holy Family’s Hannah chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King hosted a delicious hospitality hour following the 10 AM service to welcome Father Mike. Members of the 8 AM service also provided treats between our Sunday services. Father Mike plans to share stories from his sabbatical during a 9 AM Adult Forum presentation in September. Details will be posted shortly.
Community Garden in the News

The Holy Family Community Garden was featured in the August 25th issue of the Fishers Current newspaper. Providing fresh produce to the Come to Me Food Pantry at Fishers United Methodist Church is what first spurned the garden’s creation. The garden first welcomed area gardeners in 2011 and has expanded nearly every year since. You may view the article by clicking HERE.
Thanks, Father Steve!

Special thanks to the Reverend Steven Giovangelo for sharing his time and talent with us during the latter half of Father Mike’s sabbatical.

We would also like to thank and acknowledge Deacon Cathy Scott for serving as liaison to our visiting clergy this summer.

Senior Warden Bryan Luce shared his gratitude on behalf of the congregation.

We enjoyed a special hospitality hosted by our vestry following the 10 AM service.