Flowers, Friends, and Fun

Members of Holy Family’s Mary & Martha Chapter of Junior Daughters of the King led a fellowship visit to Brookdale Senior Living Solutions in Castleton. The Junior Daughters were joined by siblings, parents, friends, and members of Holy Family’s Youth group. (To maintain the privacy of residents, only photos of youth are shown.) Holy Family members visited the rooms of residents as well as common areas and handed out flowers to all who wanted them. Special thanks are extended to Brookdale representative Destiny who guided the visitors through the facility. This is a continuing project of Holy Family’s youth that was inspired by an impromptu visit to an assisted living facility during the mission trip of 2017. For more information about Holy Family’s Junior Daughters of the King or Youth Group, please contact the church office.

Boy Scout Sunday 2018
On Sunday February 4th, The Reverend Larry Walters recognized the boys and men of Holy Family who are active in the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting.

During the blessing, Father Larry also called forward all people who have participated in scouting or contributed to the advancement of Boy Scouts through volunteering, financial support, and prayers. Nearly every person at the 10 AM service had been impacted by Boy Scouts. Holy Family is the proud charter organization for Troop 199 in Fishers. Questions regarding boy scouting can be directed to Scoutmaster Bryan Spellman via the church office.