Mission Trip Presentation 2018

On Sunday, September 9th, members of the 2018 Serving in the Circle City mission trip crew presented stories from their outreach work in Elwood and Indianapolis. Click below to view the slides used during the presentation. Contact Youth Director Marty Blake for more information about Holy Family’s youth mission trips. mblake@hfec.org
SITCC Presentation Online
Education Sunday 2018

Holy family kicked off the Christian Formation year with a multi-generational formation festival. Participants from all levels of Sunday school, youth group, and adult formation engaged in interactive team building activities centered around a farm theme. Participants spent ten minutes learning about each other by separating into groups such as “sweet” or “salty” and “hand-held Bible” or “electronic app” before breaking into smaller groups for continued work together. Participants were required to utilize effective coordination, communication, and trust to achieve a common goal. Finally, the larger group was broken into their appropriate formation age groups to discuss upcoming curriculum in their classes. For more information about Christian formation at Holy Family, please contact the following leaders:
Children’s Ministry: Jolene Johnston jjohnston@hfec.org
Youth Ministry: Marty Blake mblake@hfec.org
Adult Formation: The Reverend Bruce W. Gray bgray@hfec.org