Confirmation: December 2018

On Sunday, December 16th, The Rt. Reverend Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis, visited Holy Family. Bishop Jennifer celebrated both morning worship services, led an open discussion with congregation members during Christian formation hour, and shared fellowship during a reception following the services. Bishop Jennifer also confirmed or received three members of Holy Family during the 10 AM worship service. Bishop Jennifer spent time meeting with the vestry and finished her visit by contributing to Holy Family’s new podcast called Shortcut to Sunday. It was a busy and joy-filled day for all who attended. For more information about being confirmed in or received to the Episcopal church, please contact Deacon Cathy Scott or Father Bruce Gray.
For more photos from Confirmation and Bishop Jennifer’s visit, please click HERE.
Junior Daughter Cookie Exchange 2018

On Saturday, December 15th, several members and prospective members of the Junior Daughters of the King at Holy Family gathered with their mothers and other Daughters of the King for a cookie exchange. Participants made holiday crafts and watched a movie. For more information about Junior Daughters of the King at Holy Family, please contact co-directors Ruth Everett and Kristine Canter.
View more cookie exchange photos HERE.
Breakfast with St. Nicholas
On Saturday, December 8th, the Holy Family chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew hosted Breakfast with St. Nicholas. Families enjoyed a variety of breakfast treats including chocolate and peppermint pancakes and participated in crafts and games. St. Nicholas himself joined the gathering to share his story and give the children chocolate coins. St. Nick had a few minutes to take photos with the children before he had to get back to his adventures. For more information about children’s activities at Holy Family, please contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston
View more photos from Breakfast with St. Nicholas HERE.
Gospel at Hogwarts 2018

Holy Family invited children of all ages to enjoy an adventure of discipleship to uncover the Gospel at Hogwarts. Scripture passages included The Wedding Feast at Cana, The Parable of the Sower, and the Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy. This multigenerational adventure took place on November 17, 2018 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Led by House prefects, guests attended a variety of classes at Hogwarts including Herbology and Potions, played a rousing game of Quidditch, and shared fellowship with treats in the Great Hall.
View photos from the 2018 Gospel at Hogwarts HERE.
This was the second annual Hogwarts event at Holy Family. View photos from Holy Family’s 2017 Gospel at Hogwarts by clicking HERE. Contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston for more information.