Feast of St. Andrew 2016

Holy Family’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew gathered this evening to celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew. Also known as Andrew the Apostle, he was a Christian Apostle and the older brother to St. Peter. In the Gospel of Matthew, it is said Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee and saw Andrew and Simon Peter fishing. It is then he asked the two to become disciples and “fishers of men.” 
Per Christian tradition, Andrew went on to preach the Good News around the shores of the Black Sea and throughout what is now Greece and Turkey. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion in Patras. He was bound, rather than nailed, to a cross, as is described in the Acts of Andrew. He was crucified on a cross form known as “crux decussata,” which is an X-shaped cross or a “saltire.” Today this is commonly referred to as “St. Andrew’s Cross.” It is believed Andrew requested to be crucified this way, because he deemed himself “unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Jesus.” 

His saltire cross is featured on the flag of Scotland and is represented in much of his iconography. He is commonly portrayed as an old man with long white hair and a beard, often holding the Gospel book or a scroll. St. Andrew is the patron saint of fishermen and singers.

Members of Holy Family’s Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapter shared Eucharist and then adjourned to finish the evening with fellowship. For more information about Holy Family’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, please contact the church office. admin@hfec.org

Youth Group Waycross Retreat – Fall 2016

Holy Family Youth Group
In November 2016, fourteen youth and four adult chaperones from Holy Family attended the Episcopal Diocesan Youth Retreat held at Waycross Camp and Conference Center in Brown County, Indiana. Holy Family’s deacon, the Reverend Cathy Scott, served as the retreat chaplain. Students spent time discussing the weekend’s theme “From Stress to Success” and participating in a variety of worship services and fellowship activities. For more information about Holy Family’s youth group activities, contact Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis Youth

Newsletter: November 24, 2016

Holy Family newsletter: November 24, 2016

Supporting St. David’s

St. David’s Episcopal Church in Bean Blossom, Indiana was recently vandalized. The Reverend Kelsey Hutto from St. David’s posted the following on Facebook:
“Sometime Saturday night St. David’s Episcopal Church in Bean Blossom was vandalized. Three tags were painted on the outside of the church – a swastika, “Fag Church” and “Heil Trump.”

We are disappointed that our safe haven has been vandalized but will not let the actions of a few damper our love of Christ and the world. We will continue to live out our beliefs and acceptance of all people and respecting the dignity of every human being. We pray for the perpetrators as well as those who the derogatory marks were directed at.

We will move forward continuing to be the love of Christ in the world.

Any one is welcome on the sacred ground of the church. This act was an act of separation. Separation of us from each other and a separation from God which is the definition of a sin.

We pray for unification with God, with God’s people and with ourselves.

This is only one image of a worldwide phenomenon in which we are dividing ourselves and the world from God.

We hope and pray that as the days and weeks continue we find a way to bridge this division from God and each other and ourselves.”
Bishop Cate Waynick responded to the incident:
“Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

By now you all know that St. David’s, Bean Blossom, was vandalized this weekend with a symbol of intimidation, language demeaning of GLBT persons, and praise of the President-elect. While it is deeply disturbing to be on the receiving end of such vitriol, it is also an opportunity to be very clear, with ourselves and the world around us, that we take seriously the commandment of our Lord to love one another with the same love God lavishes on every person – no exceptions.

We do not know who is responsible for the vandalism. What we do know is that the kind of language used during the recent Presidential campaign has emboldened some people to become openly abusive and insulting. Our option as faithful people is to be sure we don’t respond in kind. The Episcopal Church will continue to welcome all people, to seek and serve Christ in the world around us, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being – even those who deface our buildings. Our buildings can be marred by anger and hatred – we will not allow our hearts to be defiled.

Our hearts and our doors remain open to everyone, as we pray for the wisdom and courage to remain faithful disciples of Jesus.



St. David’s has received an outpouring of love and prayers and has turned their messages of support into “wallpaper” that can be seen and enjoyed by the entire congregation. Mother Kelsey was interviewed by CNN today about the recent events. You may watch the video by clicking HERE. The graffiti will be left on the walls of St. David’s until November 30th, at which time a special event will be held for all those who wish to support St. David’s. The members of Holy Family Episcopal Church stand with Mother Kelsey and the people of St. David’s during this difficult time. We pray for peace and offer a welcoming place for all.

Newsletter: November 17, 2016

Holy Family newsletter: November 17, 2016

Newsletter: November 10, 2016

Holy Family newsletter: November 10, 2016

Youth Group Canoe Campout



Several youth group members took an overnight camping trip to Turkey Run State Park in mid-October. The day began with a 6-mile canoe trip down Sugar Creek. The weekend was one of the last of the season with beautiful weather, so they enjoyed time around a campfire and ended the weekend with morning prayer.

Jr. DOK Prayer Hike


On October 9th, seven of the Mary & Martha Jr. Daughters of the King picnicked at and hiked through Ritchey Woods in Fishers. It was a beautiful afternoon as their co-directresses led them on a nature walk and discussed the day’s homily. The event ended with a discussion of upcoming activities and plans for the rest of the year. For more information about our Jr. Daughters of the King chapter, please contact Ruth Everett or Kristine Canter at mmjrdok@gmail.com. 