Ingathering Sunday 2018

Holy Family offered to God its hopes, dreams, and financial pledges on Sunday, October 28th. Holy Family’s Celebrating Generosity stewardship efforts coninue as pledges for the 2019 operating budget are turned into the church office. Pledges may be made online by clicking HERE. Please contact the church office for more information.
Pastoral Response to Fishers Shooting Deaths

In response to Wednesday’s shooting in Fishers, Deacon Cathy Scott, who is certified in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, will lead a crisis response session for teachers, school staff, teenagers, and parents Sunday, October 28th at 11:30 AM in the Youth Room. For any other adults touched by this tragedy, Fr. Bruce will facilitate a similar conversation also at 11:30 AM Sunday in the parish hall. The Rev Cathy Gray, who has years of experience working with pre-teens, will be available for conversations at 11:30. Childcare will be available.
If any individuals or families wish more private time with Bruce (, Cathy Scott ( or Cathy Gray, please do not hesitate to contact them. Our prayers and sympathy go out to all directly and indirectly affected by this violence and its aftermath.
Pet Blessing 2018
On Sunday, September 30th, Holy Family held its annual pet blessing during the 10 AM worship service in the outdoor chapel. Many dogs, and a few cats, attended the service with their humans and received a blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. Photos from this special service can be viewed by clicking HERE.
In addition to the pet blessing, this day was also named Social Media Sunday by the wider Episcopal Church. Members and guests of Holy Family were encouraged to share special photos and moments from the day on social media using the hashtag #SMS18.
Bench Blessing

On Sunday, September 23rd, representatives from Girl Scout Troop 183 in Fishers participated in a special ceremony to bless the playground bench they donated to Holy Family. The scouts gathered over 400 pounds of bottle and container caps and lids that were recycled and transformed into the bench. The bench was a gift to the church in thanksgiving for using the space for Girl Scout meetings over the past five years. Following the blessing, the scouts chatted with Father Bruce, Mother Cathy, and members of the congregation about the project.