Holy Week 2019
Holy Family held several services during Holy Week including ones on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. Photos are available by clicking HERE. Click the links below to hear the homily and choir anthem from Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday anthem:
Let Sweet Hosannas Ring
Let Sweet Hosannas Ring
by the Holy Family choir
Stations of the Cross Experience

On Palm Sunday, students in PreK-12th grade, adult mentors, and parents participated in a Stations of the Cross experience. During the weeks of Lent, students in grades 2-6 painted wooden crosses to mark the stations and were given an opportunity on Palm Sunday to describe the meaning behind their artwork. Participants walked the path of Jesus and joined activities that marked events along the way such as wearing a purple cloak or crown of thorns, tasting sour wine, and wrapping a small crucifix in white linen to place in a tomb. All participants carried their own personal crosses on the journey and were encouraged to take them home to hold during other Holy Week services. For more information about Children’s Ministry worship, please contact Director Jolene Johnston. jjohnston@hfec.org
View photos from Stations of the Cross experience HERE.
Lenten Youth Group Outreach
Six youth from HFEC and four adults gathered on Friday evening, March 22nd, for time focused on the importance of effective communication and how it impacts our daily lives. The group participated in a nonverbal game of “telephone,” to understand the importance of detail in all forms of communication. As always, the end result is far away from the original piece of information! After our Compline worship service, the group delivered a prepared meal for the Hamilton County Emergency Communications dispatch center located at the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office/Jail Complex in Noblesville. After setting up the meal in the break room, the group was given a tour of the 911 dispatch center controlling the police, fire, and other emergency response operations in the county. The group was able to hear one-sided live 911 calls and see the required calm and effective action to perform this important job 24 hours a day! The group was also allowed to see the Emergency Operations Center which is activated during major events such as flooding, potential earthquakes, or other major disasters. Many of our youth and adults asked excellent questions and were able to learn about this potential career path is this important part of our lives. For more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group, please contact director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org
More photos from this event can be viewed HERE.
Girl Scout Sunday 2019

On Sunday, March 10th, Holy Family celebrated Girl Scout Sunday. The Girl Scouts designate the Saturday and Sunday that fall nearest to March 12th, the Birthday of Girl Scouting, as Girl Scout Sabbath and Girl Scout Sunday to give girls an opportunity to be recognized as a Girl Scout within their house of worship. Father Bruce blessed scouts in attendance during the 10 AM service.

Ash Wednesday 2019
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. – Book of Common Prayer