Mission in the Mountains Presentation
On Sunday, September 17th, Holy Family’s Mission in the Mountains team members shared stories and reflections from their summer mission trip. You may CLICK HERE to download the slides used during the presentation. The slides contain reflections from each of Holy Family’s youth that attended as well as a few from the Tennessee participants.
The Mission in the Mountains participants would like to thank everyone who supported our mission work. Our 2018 mission trip will take place in Indianapolis with guests from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Johnson City, TN. For more information, please contact our Youth Director Marty Blake at mblake@hfec.org.
Stewardship 2018: Ingathering Sunday
On Sunday, August 27th, our entire parish family gathered to worship and thank God for His many blessings.
In response to God’s bountiful gifts, we offered our 2018 financial commitments to Holy Family and floated candles in the font to represent our journey together.
The commitment cards were blessed by the Reverend Bob Dekker who celebrated Eucharist with us that day.
Following the worship service, we gathered for food and fellowship in the parish hall. Holy Family’s rector search committee continues its work to discern the next steps in our transition. You may follow our rector search journey by clicking HERE or contacting the church office. admin@hfec.org
Youth Group: Trust V
Nine of HFEC’s youth group members along with four visiting youth from St. Christopher’s in Carmel met for a cookout fellowship Sunday evening. HFEC has extended an invitation to St. Christopher’s youth for our gatherings as their parish is also in transition of rector and youth ministers simultaneously.
The group focused on communication skills and trust-building using Mobile Team Challenge low ropes course. Participants balanced on 3-inch high beams and helped support one another crossing an increasing span up to nine feet wide. This activity requires direct eye contact, open communication, and a high level of trust from both partners.
A most successful evening activity was finished out with Compline led by Sam Cleaver assisted by Mikaila Blake. The next evening gathering will be held on September 17th from 5:30-8:00 PM. Please contact Youth Director Marty Blake for more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group program. mblake@hfec.org