2019 Annual Meeting
Despite frigid temperatures outside, Holy Family held its annual meeting in the comfortably-warm sanctuary today at 9 AM thanks to a new HVAC system. Among other business items, the congregation members elected new vestry members and delegates to Diocesan Convention. Special thanks are extended to outgoing vestry members Susie Beard, Ian Johnston (youth member), Ben Paden, and Debbie Talbert. For more information about Holy Family’s vestry, please contact Father Bruce. bgray@hfec.org
2019 Vestry additions: Marcus Dial, Cathy French,Shannon Luce (youth member), Teresa Conroy-Roth
Diocesan Convention Delegates:Greta Wilson and Stephen Beard
CPR/AED Training
On Wednesday, January 16th, Holy Family hosted an American Heart Association CPR/AED training and certification in the parish hall. Generous members of Holy Family’s congregation recently donated funds to purchase an AED unit for the church and cover the cost of the training led by Shaun Barnett. The course was attended by members of the congregation, staff, childcare volunteers, preschool teachers, vestry members, and ushers in an effort to be better-prepared to serve the community in case of an emergency. Special thanks are extended to Holy Family member Dr. Douglas Tannas for coordinating the AED purchase and CPR/AED training. For more information, please contact the church office. admin@hfec.org
For more photos from the CPR/AED training please click HERE.
News from The Rev. Patrick Burke
It is with great excitement that Holy Family shares news from a long-time church member who was recently ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests. On February 24, The Rev. Patrick Burke will be joining the staff of St. Paul’s, Indianapolis! Fr. Patrick will be the Parish Missioner for St. Paul’s where he will be focused on engaging the Broad Ripple neighborhood in sharing the message of the Gospel in new and innovative ways. Please hold Fr. Patrick and his family in your prayers as he begins his new ministry. More information can be found HERE.
Celebrating The Reverend Patrick Burke
On Sunday, January 13th, Holy Family welcomed The Reverend Patrick Burke to celebrate both worship services and preach the homily. Patrick served as Youth Director at Holy Family for many years and was recently ordained a priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis. During the worship service, Patrick blessed the water in Holy Family’s Baptismal font and sprinkled those in attendance with holy water. Following the 10 AM service, Patrick and his family were honored at a reception held in their honor.
View more photos from Father Patrick’s celebration HERE.
Epiphany Party 2019
On Saturday, January 5th, Holy Family held its first Epiphany party for members of the congregation. Due to conflicting events, the annual Christmas party needed to be rescheduled to a later time. Guests shared food and fellowship throughout the evening. For more information about fellowship gatherings at Holy Family, please contact Parish Administrator Cheryl Burke in the church office. admin@hfec.org
View more Epiphany party photos HERE.
Child of God – Lifted in Prayer
Students from HFEC Sunday school classes in grades 2-12 gathered this past week to work together and construct a supportive model of the child of God. The “child of God” was a clear glass full of Christmas candy. Other materials included three clear glasses labeled as faith, community, and love. There were also three butter knives each labeled as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The students were challenged to have all materials touching to elevate and support the child of God with the widest footprint possible which represented community outreach. The group worked through several variations before suspending the child of God glass successfully by the knives on top of a marble table top. Following the activity, the students enjoyed a candy treat and discussed the connections from this challenge to their own lives. For more information about teambuilding activities at Holy Family, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake. mblake@hfec.org