9/11 Remembrance 2016

On Sunday, September 11, 2016 Holy Family held a special 9/11 Remembrance prayer service. We prayed for all those effected by traumatic events such as disasters and terrorist attacks.

Father Mike said special prayers for first responders who perished on, and in the days following, the attacks on 9/11/2001.
Prayer for First Responders
God of the selfless,
God of the strong and the brave,
Grant a perfect rest among the souls of the righteous
To those who died in service to others
during the 9/11 attacks,
May their dedication to protecting life
serve as a shining lamp of love
And the works of their hands
bring us all merit in heaven.
Bless the souls of all who have died to save others,
Civilians and professionals,
The trained and the untrained,
God of the strong and the brave,
Grant a perfect rest among the souls of the righteous
To those who died in service to others
during the 9/11 attacks,
May their dedication to protecting life
serve as a shining lamp of love
And the works of their hands
bring us all merit in heaven.
Bless the souls of all who have died to save others,
Civilians and professionals,
The trained and the untrained,
In every age and in every land,
Men and women who answered the call of honor, duty and service.
May their memories be sanctified with joy and love.
May their souls be bound up in the bond of life,
May their souls be bound up in the bond of life,
A living blessing in our midst. Amen.

Following the playing of TAPS by Aaron Lackner, Father Mike also prayed for current first responders, blessing them in their daily acts of courage and bravery. Local first responders were honored during our Community Block Party with a VIP sticker, gift, and free lunch for their entire family.

Our prayer service was attended by members of Boy Scout Troop 199 which is chartered at Holy Family. They provided the color guard for our service as well.
Outdoor Eucharist: September 2016
On September 11, 2016 Holy Family held its annual fall Eucharist in the outdoor chapel. The day was glorious with blue skies, sunshine, and puffy clouds. Holy Family’s youth group members filled all serving roles.
Epistle Reading

Gospel Reading with Deacon Cathy
Homily with Father Mike

Prayers of the People

Mission: United in Faith Presentation

On Sunday, August 21st, members of this year’s Mission: United in Faith mission trip team presented to the congregation during our 9 AM Adult Forum. Marty Blake, Director of Youth Ministry, shared an overview of the week’s service work, worship opportunities, and fellowship. Youth Group members shared personal stories as well.

During the presentation, the mission team shared a compilation of photographs and short video clips from the week. Special thanks are extended to Youth Group leader Ruth Everett for creating the video. You may view the video presentation by clicking below.

Back to Church Sunday 2016

On Sunday, August 14th. Holy Family held its annual Back to Church Sunday. On this day, all 9 AM Christian Education programming resumes for the school year, and the choir returns to the 10 AM worship service. It’s an exciting day when youth and adults gather together to share tales of their summer adventures, refreshed and renewed for another leg of their spiritual journey together.

Sunday school classes are offered for children who are three years old through high school. Parents may contact Jolene Johnston, Director of Children’s Ministry at jjohnston@hfec.org or Marty Blake, Director of Youth Ministry at mblake@hfec.org. Registration cards are required for all children who participate in our Sunday school and childcare offerings including nursery. Adult Forum offers a variety of presentations at the same time as Sunday school for children and youth.