Welcome to Holy Family!
Here’s a look at what a visit to church is like on a typical Sunday morning. The joy and hospitality of the #holyvillage community comes shining through. All are welcome!

As you enter the double red doors from the parking lot, you’ll be greeted by a volunteer in our Narthex (lobby) space. Episcopal Churches traditionally have red doors. Historically the red doors of a church were a symbol of sanctuary – a place where a soldier could not pursue an enemy. The red signified the blood of Jesus Christ who came to save all who took refuge in him. People who passed through the red doors were safe. At Holy Family, all are welcome.

The Narthex space is warm and inviting. You are encouraged to hang up your coat, take a bulletin from the welcome desk or greeter, and grab a cup of coffee if you like. Restrooms are available down the hall from the Narthex. You are welcome to enter our sanctuary space as you are ready. Story books and coloring supplies are available at the welcome desk near the entrance doors to help children feel comfortable as they attend worship with their grownups. Never worry about keeping kids quiet – at Holy Family, all are encouraged to “make a joyful noise!” There’s also a cozy corner with arm chairs and some toys in case you need a little break from the action. When volunteers are available, there is childcare for children in first grade and younger in the early childhood classrooms during the first thirty minutes of the 10 AM Sunday service.
You are invited to participate in Holy Family’s worship services by following along in the printed bulletin or website link. Music at the 10 AM service is chosen from hymnals that are provided in each row – simply follow the bulletin to select the appropriate one. During our exchange of peace, many people like to stand up and walk around to shake hands or hug each other. You are invited to participate as you feel comfortable. Holy Family really is just like a big family, so be ready for warm smiles and happy hearts.

All baptized Christians who welcome Jesus Christ into their lives are invited to come forward for Communion. The ushers will direct you toward the front where we line up to receive freshly-baked bread and real wine. For those who wish to receive a blessing instead of Communion, simply place your hands across your chest to indicate your preference. A gluten-free alternative is available – please mention this when it is your time to receive communion.
Following each service, you are invited to visit with the clergy as you leave the sanctuary. There are several members of the church staff who would love to assist you – you can find their smiling faces by clicking HERE. Look for the blue nametags! Hospitality and fellowship time are provided in the Narthex and/or parish hall. You are encouraged to fill out a welcome card located on small clipboards on the back of our sanctuary chairs or this online welcome card. You may also contact Holy Family ONLINE. Thank you for being part of Holy Family today!
Holy Family seeks to bear witness to the Light of Christ by serving as the
heart and hands of Jesus, nourishing people and transforming lives.