Meet Holy Family

Holy Family Episcopal Church is a young and growing congregation located just west of the Fishers town center. Members of the congregation reside in Fishers, Noblesville, Carmel, Indianapolis, Pendleton, and the Geist area.
 All are invited to:
  • attend a Sunday morning worship service
  • enroll children in Sunday school or youth programs
  • enhance your own spiritual life by joining an adult program or by participating in a ministry
  • participate in a fellowship activity
  • serve in an outreach partnership
Become part of Holy Family!


Holy Family Leaders


The Rev’d. Frank Impicciche, Priest-in-Charge

Greetings! I am excited to serve as the Priest-In-Charge here at Holy Family!
Sometimes, vocations or the sense of what we were born to do, comes over time after many types of experiences. And sometimes, we know this practically at birth. For me, it was a bit of a combination of the two. I have wanted to be a parish priest ever since I was 6 years old! However, my path took many twists and turns before realizing this vocation.
Growing up in the Roman Catholic Church, I used to daydream that the priest would need a volunteer to help with saying Mass and my hand was always ready to go up, just in case! This daydream eventually led me into seminary and religious life at St. Meinrad in southern Indiana. While this call never left me, I also felt God was calling me to married life and to being a parent. Beginning in 1994, I served as a Chaplain in the healthcare setting including, hospice, bereavement, neurology, bone marrow transplant, infant ICU, and newborn intensive care. I was certified as a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Supervisor (Educator) in 1998 and managed the CPE program at St. Vincent and then at IU Health before serving in parish ministry.
I became an Episcopalian in 2004 and was ordained a Deacon in 2012 and a priest on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2013. Prior to Holy Family, I serve as the Rector of St. Matthew’s on the east side of Indianapolis for nine years and before that, as the Vicar of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Martinsville, Indiana.

I believe a strong and consistent pastoral presence is one of the main keys to growing a healthy congregation. Being nurtured pastorally and spiritually leads us out of the doors of the church and back into our lives and work to be heralds of the Good News to those around us, to the best of their abilities. I enjoy working collaboratively with congregations to challenge, envision and discern their gifts to be used for serving God in the world.
My service at the Diocesan level has included serving on the Executive Council, the Bishop’s Advisory Group on Mission Strategy, the Commission on Ministry, and as a Title IV Intake Officer. Professionally, I was a founding board member for Brook’s Place, a place of support, therapy, and community education for children, teens, young adults, and families experiencing grief, the Chair of the Irvington Ministerial Association (IMA) and a board member of IMA’s non-profit agency the Irvington Community Advocacy Network (ICAN). I also served on the governing Board for the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
I am married to Susan Wolf. My adult daughter, Clare, is a graduate of Marian University and is employed in the healthcare industry in Seattle, Washington. We enjoy the company of our two cats, Gallagher and Percival. We also love to travel, play Pickleball, hang out with our neighbors, sit on the front porch, and cook a variety of cuisines. I am a life-long drummer.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the call of Moses and the Burning Bush!
Reach out to Father Frank:  or (317) 437-2734 

The Vestry

Senior Warden Gary Snyder, Junior Warden Kay Mulhall, Treasurer Ben Paden, Clerk Scott Wilson, Bethany Paden, Jessica Largent, Kristine Canter, Lee Cahalan, Emily Morton, Matt Okerson, Susie Beard, and Barb Spangler.
Click HERE to review Vestry meeting minutes.
If you were not able to attend the 2025 Holy Family Annual Meeting, you may view the video HERE. You may also find the documents discussed during the meeting as well as the minutes by clicking here:
Staff and Wardens
Please click HERE for information about our staff and wardens.