Support for Kairos Ministry: Holy Family member Stephen Canter will be spending time with inmates at the Pendleton Correctional Industrial Facility (medium security) for the 30th Kairos at this facility program on October 24-27, 2024. This program focuses on sharing God’s love, listening to the inmates, building up their spirits with love, helping them build and maintain a Christian community inside the walls, then successfully reenter the “outside world” after serving their sentences. Here are some ways that you can support this ministry:
- Sign up HERE to pray for Kairos participants. Nearly one hundred fifty 30-minute prayer slots are available so that the entire weekend is bathed in prayer. Be sure to update your time zone before choosing a time to pray.
- Decorate a placemat or poster at church with messages of love and support. Supplies are available during hospitality time.
- Purchase cookies for the event. The team is again using Famous Amos 42 pack cases (available at Sam’s Club, Costco, or BJs) which are approximately $20 a case. At least 90 cases of cookies are needed for the weekend.
- Purchase snacks for the event. As soon as the link is available it will be updated here. Please use the link to be provided or bring approved snacks to church by October 20th.
- Make a financial donation. Each weekend costs about $3,500 to host, and each team member is asked to contribute at least $250. You can write a check to Kairos of Indiana (and get it to Stephen) or put it in the collection plate marked as KAIROS. Kairos is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Please email the church office for Stephen’s donation information.
- Attend the closing ceremony from 12-3 PM on Sunday, October 27th at the Correctional Industrial Facility in Pendleton. You must be preregistered to attend, so please notify the church office by October 13th. Once the guest list is full no more will be added. Please contact Stephen for details.