Childcare is offered to children in first grade and younger during the first thirty minutes of Holy Family’s 10 AM worship service. Childcare takes place in one or both of the early childhood classrooms near the parish hall and is determined by the age and number of children in attendance. Supervision is provided by trained volunteers from the Holy Family community who complete required abuse prevention training through the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis and adhere to the church’s childcare policies and procedures. High school students are able to volunteer in Childcare once each month as long as an adult volunteer is present. For more information about childcare at Holy Family, please contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston. jjohnston@hfec.org
Sign up to volunteer in
Childcare by clicking HERE.
Helpful things to know about Holy Family’s Childcare:
- Offered for infants through first grade students
- Held on Sundays from 10 AM to Peace time, typically 10:30-10:40 AM
- Coats, bags, and stuffed animals must remain in the hallway (coat hooks available).
- Infants must come with appropriate diaper supplies and a change of clothes.
- Supervised play time – no lesson is taught
- Water bottles and cups are allowed; no food is permitted in Childcare (except bottles for infants).
- Children and adults who are sick should not participate